Monday, September 19, 2016

LOTs and Consolidation of SB,RD,TD and PPF have been changed in DoP Finacle

LOTs and Consolidation of SB,RD,TD and PPF have been changed. A new selection criteria "Delivery Channel ID" has been added with default value as "BRN". When click on searcher, it shows following channels:-

BRN-Branch Transactions

BWY- E-Banking -M-Banking Chanel ID

SWT-ATM Channel ID

In BRN, all counter/system transactions done for a SOL will be shown. In BWY, all transactions done through Internet/Mobile Banking by Savings Account holders of a SOL will be shown. In SWT, all transactions done through ATM attached with the SOL will be shown. By default, BRN will be displayed in these LOTs and consolidation. Any CBS SO/HO should not account for transactions listed in BWY and SWT channel IDs. These offices can only see these reports in case of any complaint/grievance/inquiry.